Call for Submissions


The 10 List extends a cordial invitation to present LLM students and recent graduates to contribute articles, essays, or book reviews. We welcome submissions that engage with any topic of relevance, provided they foster insightful dialogue within the American legal sphere. Our aim is to feature content that approaches legal topics with depth, originality, and innovation.

To qualify, authors should be either current LLM students or recent graduates who have obtained their initial law degree outside the United States. For the purpose of submission, we consider those who have graduated by 2020 as recent graduates.

We encourage submissions to adhere to the citation standards outlined in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020).

This is a distinguished opportunity to shape discussions in the legal community and we eagerly await contributions that will enlighten and invigorate our readers.

Your submission should include:

  1. Completed submission form [download PDF here] or [download Word Doc here]
  2. Resume
  3. The article/essay / book review or writing sample.

Profiles and scholarly writing from the best LLMs in America

10 List Admin